Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Thank you Mr. Javadekar

Shri. Prakash Javadekar
Honourable Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Government of India

Respected Sir,

You have shown the easiest way to mitigate human-wildlife conflict - just kill those 'errant' animals by declaring them as vermin! Wow, your thinking is extra-ordinary. I wonder why none of your predecessors ever thought about it, if it was so simple? Sir, you have created history. Why should we even debate about alternative crops, putting up bio-fences or other wildlife-friendly measures? Too much time would be wasted in all this, isn't it? Just kill (in the name of wildlife management) and the matter is over. You know Sir, some villagers have been secretly killing these animals by using snares, live wires and even guns! But now they don't have to worry as they can kill 'problem' animals openly and legally. Truly 'acche din' for people.

You have excellent judgement to take decisions. How does it matter if the decisions taken are against the ethos of the ministry you are in-charge of? After all, you are worried about 'acche din' for the nation, isn't it? (wildlife is not a part of this nation, is it???) Your ministry should be proud that it has managed to sanction the road construction through the Rann of Kutch, which is only breeding habitat for the flamingos in India. So what if it is the ONLY habitat in India? It is for the flamingos to find an alternate breeding site.

Even the tigers, sloth bears and many other species who inhabit the forests around Pench, where your ministry has cleared the road expansion along NH7, will find an alternate habitat to survive. If only the National Green Tribunal would have thought the way your ministry did...sigh! Why don't you construct a neatly designed housing colony for these creatures Sir? But please ask your team members to design the cages aesthetically. After all, all of us look upon you as the saviour of wildlife in India.

The birds and animals of the Karnala Bird Sanctuary celebrated the World Environment Day with much fan-fare this year. Why? Because that was the day when your ministry cleared the expansion of the highway that passes through this forest. What timing Sir! Just 2 hectares of forest will be destroyed. And many of your colleagues have planted saplings in so many places on World Environment Day. All this will compensate for this loss. Nothing to worry.

Sir, lots of minerals are waiting to be extracted from several forest areas across the country. I am sure this work will soon be started, with your ministry's penchant for 'fast' decisions. Already too much time has been wasted in doing these honours.

Few days ago, I read that our honourable Prime Minister has appealed to the people of India to keep a bowl of water for the birds. I was touched by this gesture. I hope he is aware about your decision to declare Nilgai (Blue Bull), Wild Boar (and scores of other animals included in Schedule II [Part I], Schedule III, IV, V) as he is very compassionate towards animals. Remember the beef ban?

And lastly, please don't mind if your decisions taken in the interest of 'acche din' are criticised. All those critics are 'natural fools', who only think about wildlife conservation, protection of India's precious natural resources, preserving the few remaining natural ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots, mitigating the effects of human-induced climate change and many other 'useless' things that would only benefit India's natural treasures and no one else!
Looking forward to more such 'sound' decisions from your ministry.

Yours truly,

A Natural Fool

P.S. Sir, by the way, I hope your ministry is working on your statement of 'donating' tigers to other countries!!!

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